Sinnington C.P. School

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Religious Education

Our intent for Religious Education (RE) is that every child develops an understanding of the religions and beliefs of others, and to have a respect for those beliefs and cultures. RE is split into 3 key concepts: Believing, Expressing and Living, with units of work allocated to each Key Concept.  

Our intent for our R.E approach is that children:  

  • A good level of religious understanding and knowledge.  
  • An engagement with a range of ultimate questions about the meaning and significance of existence.  
  • The ability to ask significant and reflective questions about religion and demonstrate an excellent understanding of issues related to the nature, truth and value of religion.  
  • A strong understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion cohere together.  
  • The ability to think for ourselves and take the initiative in, for example, asking questions, carrying out investigations, evaluating ideas and working constructively with others. 
  • The ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose.  
  • A good knowledge and understanding across a wide range of religions and beliefs. 

We  implement  this through:  

  • RE is taught in blocks throughout the year, with the majority of units taught as stand-alone lessons and other during our Class Projects if the themes match.  
  • The North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity to plan in common themes which the whole school can learn about,  
  • The children's learning being real and meaningful by inviting visitors from various beliefs and trips to experience different religions and places of worship 
  • Our enquiry based learning, RE lessons provide opportunities to answer 'Big Questions' about meaning, purpose and truth. Through nurture and relationships, children feel empowered to debate, discuss and answer these. 
  • RE books show a range of evidence and capture the children’s learning journeys. 
  • The ‘Open the Book’ team visit school weekly and host an assembly in which the whole school participates with children volunteering to take part in small plays around the teachings of the bible.



RE_Vocabulary_Progression .pdf 

The impact of our RE approach is children learn about people from different backgrounds and environments, and religions and beliefs from around the world. They have a broader understanding of the world around them and a respect for others’ beliefs and cultures.