Safer Internet Day

What do I need to know about Safer Internet Day?
What is Safer Internet Day?
Safer Internet Day is on 7th February 2023. It’s celebrated across the globe in over 170 countries, with thousands of young people joining in across the UK to explore how they can use the internet responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to focus on online safety with your child – whether that’s trying out some of the learning activities in the pack below, asking about what they like to do online or using their favourite app or game with them. You could support the day on social media, tell other friends and family about the day, or ask your child for their best tips for staying safe online. Find out more here: Safer Internet Day
Please use the links below to access Parent/Carer resources
About Safer Internet Day
What do I do if something goes wrong?
Practical tips for starting a conversation about life online
How to talk about difficult topics
My child has said something worrying - what do I do?
Where can I find out more about specific issues
How to make a report
Activities for the family
E-Safety Tips
The best way to help your child to be a safe when using the internet and new technologies is to talk to them and make sure they understand these simple rules:
- You should never give out personal details to online ‘friends’. Use a nickname when logging on and don’t share full name, email address, mobile number, school name and any photos, including photos of family or friends – any picture or video online can be changed or shared without permission.
- Talk to your child about what they are doing online and who they are talking to. Get them to show you how to use things you are not familiar with. Keeping the computer in a family room means that you can share your child’s online experience, they are less likely to act inappropriately (i.e. via webcam) and their online ‘friends’ will see they are in a family room.
- If your child receives a message that upsets them, remind them not to reply, they should save the message and show you or another trusted adult.
- Spam and junk emails and texts are not true, don’t reply or send them to anyone else, just delete them.
- Don’t open files sent from people you don’t know. They could contain a virus, or worse – an inappropriate image or film.
- An online ‘friend’ is anyone you have not met in real life; no matter how long you have been friends with them.
- Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that it’s better to keep online ‘mates’ online. They should never meet up with any online ’friends’ without an adult they trust.
- Make sure they know how to block someone online and report them if they feel uncomfortable.
- Make sure your child feels able to talk to you, let them know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable. Don’t blame your child, let then know you trust them.
Monthly Newsletters:
To provide up to date support and guidance, please click on the links below to access our monthly online safety newsletters
Parent Support Leaflets:
Online Safety: Engaging with Parents
E-safety at our School
Your child's e-safety is important to us and also a good importance to all parents out there. Please see a selection of our E-safety links below to help you and your child.
Guidance Notes:
These sites have been selected as quality assured websites of educational content.
They have been identified as safe at time of viewing for children because the sites do NOT have:
- adult content on site or in links.
- any link to a general internet search engine.
- any link to adult purchasing.
- any link to an unmoderated [open] forum, chatroom, message board, guestbook or weblog.
- display links to user's email in forum etc.
- any links to gambling, dating or other activities unsafe or unhealthy for children.
- display children's personal details on site.
- display unsuitable advertising.
- any copyright issues.
The above checklist may be useful to provide safety criteria for you to assess other sites.